Tuesday 15 November 2022

Losing your deposit

Next August, the Scottish Government will introduce a Deposit Return Scheme under which buyers of all glass and plastic bottles and cans used to package drinks, both alcoholic and soft, will be required to pay an additional 20p deposit which they will be able to reclaim when they return the empty container, the objective being to achieve a substantial increase in the recycling rate. While this is well-intentioned, it is likely to cause significant practical problems for both businesses and consumers which is the last thing they need at a time when everyone is struggling with a cost-of-living crisis.

Any business supplying these products in Scotland will incur additional costs in designing Scotland-specific packaging, as obviously the affected items will need to be clearly identifiable. The two categories of product will then need to be kept separate in the distribution chain. Some producers for whom Scotland only accounts for a small part of their business may well conclude it is no longer worthwhile to supply it at all, thus reducing the choice for Scottish consumers.

Retailers will need to adapt their point-of-sale systems to cope with the deposits, and there is also an unresolved question as to how they will be treated for VAT purposes. They will have to separately account for the revenue and pay it over to the government. And there will be further administration associated with repaying the deposits on returns, and storing them until they can be collected. The collections will require the creation of a whole new logistics system. Fortunately many smaller retailers have now been exempted from the need to act as collection points.

It’s all very well saying that you can reclaim the deposit when you return the container to where you bought it from, but it’s not always as simple as that. If you have a car and routinely drive to the supermarket it may not be too much trouble, but you will still have to gather the containers together and queue to have them redeemed, particularly at busy times. Each container will need to be individually checked to confirm that it falls within the scheme. With the best will in the world, there will inevitably be many car trips specifically undertaken just to return drinks containers.

There will inevitably be pressure to sign up to some kind of scheme to have the refunds paid directly into your bank account, which will further undermine the use of cash and result in more tracking of people’s activities and movements.

If you don’t have a car, you will have to physically lug all your bottles and cans to a collection point, or get someone else to do it for you. If someone else does your shopping for you, it creates a layer of negotiations between neighbours and relatives as to how the deposits are handled. If you give someone a gift of a bottle, you’re effectively gifting them the deposit too.

Where groceries are ordered online and delivered directly to the home, presumably there will be an expectation that the delivery driver will have to collect the empties too and arrange credit to your account, as it would clearly be unreasonable to expect shoppers to physically return them somewhere. That, though, will make the logistical task of deliveries much more complex, with an inevitable increase in costs.

While in theory you will be able to reclaim the deposit and so not be out of pocket, increasing the headline price of products will produce the perception that the cost of living has gone up even more. There is a question mark over whether it will affect the official inflation statistics. And it will undermine Scotland’s minimum alcohol pricing scheme by increasing the headline differential across the border. The sticker price of a 20-can slab of Tennent’s Lager will be a further £4 cheaper in Carlisle than in Dumfries.

Obviously I don’t live in Scotland, so won’t be directly affected. Currently my local council gets me to collect all bottles and cans in a brown bin which is collected monthly. There may be a question mark over how many of them actually get recycled, but it isn’t particularly onerous and seems to work smoothly. They would still need to do this, as it covers a lot of items such as milk cartons and coffee jars which won’t fall within the scope of the DRS.

I would need to separate out the items with deposits and then store them securely within my home, as their value would make them attractive to thieves. From my point of view, it would make life much simpler if someone, either the council or a private company, could collect all the deposit items directly, even if they charged a commission on it.

Many of the most thorny issues revolve around online ordering and delivery, which particularly affects the small brewery sector. I’ve not been able to find any clear answer to this in the literature I have read, but I would assume that any deliveries physically made from outside Scotland would be excluded from the scheme, as otherwise it’s likely that many vendors would simply refuse to supply Scotland entirely because of the cost and administration involved.

However, that isn’t an option for small brewers in Scotland delivering directly to customers, and that is what SIBA have been rightly concerned about and have made strong representations. Apparently the legislation includes a requirement to arrange for physical takeback of online orders, which seems completely impractical in general, but particularly for small producers. It does seem that they have achieved some progress on this, but there is still a long way to go.

“It is therefore encouraging that the Scottish Government has today recognised some of the issues facing the scheme in the Emergency Budget Review and have indicated a willingness to amend the online takeback element which currently would prevent any small producer from selling online in Scotland next year.

“However we would urge the Scottish Government to look again at the requirements for small producers which, as currently designed, are threatening business closures and jobs in Scotland and will lead to reductions in choice and an increase in price. Many small breweries have already told us they will have to stop selling beer in cans and bottles in Scotland because of the multi million pound costs of the scheme to small producers.”

Maybe there needs to be an exemption for smaller producers based in Scotland, which would predominantly be brewers, although inevitably there would be grumbles about unfair competition and edge effects.

It may be that all these issues prove to be just teething troubles, and the system will work well enough once it is bedded in. However, given the SNP government’s past track record on delivering such projects, I wouldn’t hold out too much hope.


  1. Dominic Behan in his memoir My Brother Brendan talks about a guy in Dublin in the fifties who was always inviting the entire pub back to his house for after hours parties because he knew most of them would bring bottles of Guinness and he could collect and return the empties the next morning and make a few shillings by redeeming the deposit on them.

    1. Professor Pie-Tin16 November 2022 at 16:56

      I got pissed with Dominic Behan in Lancaster one night and he slept on my sofa.
      Decent cove.

  2. The returning of the bottles could be done automatically by scanning and dropping them into special bottle banks. Tesco in Gorton had a bottle bank a few years ago which gave you Clubcard Points every time you put a bottle or can in.

    1. There are various ways of handling this, but remember that such a system would have to check whether containers had a deposit on them. And you would need a lot of machines to handle even a tenth of the customers of your typical large supermarket.

  3. Having followed how the system works on the continent, I can immediately see a huge problem. A supermarket might have 5-6 and a smaller shop 1-2 machines which take in the bottles into the back room, where staff is needed to move around crates, fix the blockages, change receipt paper rolls, etc. These machines are located just inside the front doors. British supermarket layout is usually planned very differently without any separate store room or space next to the doors. One would get the receipt then use it as a voucher when paying. There are always queues, machines are blocked and the stench of old stale beer wafting around.

  4. They return bottles in Germany apparently, under a system called Pfand.


    1. Germany is different as they are AIUI basically returning reusable bottles, not single-use ones. To my mind, a deposit system makes more sense if the bottles are reusable.

    2. That is how things were when I was a lad. Pop bottles had a few pennies deposit and were reused.
      On of my hobbyhorses is that we should attempt to reuse things rather than recycle them.

    3. While it seems counter-intuitive, I'm sure I have read that collecting and reusing bottles actually has a higher carbon footprint than melting them down.

  5. I think 20p is probably insufficient to tempt enough people to return empties, if it was double that amount almost everyone wound make the effort to return them. While the higher cost maybe an issue to start with, after people who drank on a regular basis got used to getting their money back it would be less of an issue. The practicalities of running the scheme need to be worked on though.

  6. The Stafford Mudgie17 November 2022 at 08:44

    If the Scottish Government could get everyone to drink in pubs not at home they wouldn't need to be concerned about any nasty bottles and cans.

  7. It's easy enough for a POS system to be programmed to recognise a product that needs a deposit to be charged from the existing barcode, so no new packaging would be required. Returning a deposit would use the same barcode. Smaller retailers with just a till would simply use their eyes. The real problem is the physical logisitics of returning and storing containers.

    1. But the products would need a different barcode to distinguish them from those of the same type that didn't carry a deposit, and thus would need to be kept apart in the packaging and distribution chain. And consumers would probably appreciate an indicator on the label showing them that the item was eligible for a refund.

    2. But products of the same type would never not carry a deposit, and if there's even a slight variation in the product type, it will have a different barcode. Deposit labels wouldn't be necessary once customers were educated and that would be done through media and POS material.

    3. You seem to be missing the point here. The system would need to distinguish between a can of Tennent's Lager bought in Dumfries, which would carry a deposit, and one bought in Carlisle, which wouldn't. And so would the consumer.

  8. They could have had any one random European to visit a few Scottish shops and supermarkets and tell them this won't work.

  9. Having thought about it, the only way this scheme is going to work is if most returns are handled by issuing each household with a lockbox into which they could put all deposit-bearing containers. The local council would then collect the contents on a regular basis and pay the credit directly into people's accounts.

  10. Tweet from Crankshaft Brewery of Leyland today:

    "We have taken the decision not to sell into Scotland or Wales. The application & cost of the scheme is way beyond any small business. Initial & bar code registration plus the up front costs based on annual prospective sales will put small producers out of business."

    The choice of beers from smaller breweries available in Scotland is going to be dramatically reduced.

  11. There will be no need for two different products for the Scottish and English markets. Look at any can of beer from a smaller producer and you will see markings on the can for the Scandinavian Pant system amongst others. It can be printed on the can even if it isn't relevant to where it is sold.

    1. Er, the upshot of that would be that every single can or bottle sold in England would end up being transported across the border to claim the 20p refund. Baffled that people cannot see this.

    2. We have bordering states in the US where one state has no deposit and the other a 10 cent deposit. They solve this issue by limiting the retailer's payout to a maximum amount per customer. This restriction makes returning bulk volumes an onerous task. Someone would have to make a lot of stops to return a huge volume of bottles. It just doesn't seem to happen or to be an issue. Frankly the deposit schemes haven't really caused major issues that I have heard. One benefit is a lot less litter on the roads.

    3. Well, you (I assume) have sent me a link to a web page describing the Michigan deposit return scheme, which states clearly that containers do have distinct barcodes, and attempting to reclaim deposits on containers that haven't paid them in the first place is illegal.

      Anyway, the Scottish scheme will definitely require Scotland-specific packaging, as I really can't see them wanting to repay deposits on large quantities of non-deposit containers bought in England. Which will be a massive deterrent to small brewers in England selling their product in Scotland.

  12. The Scottish government have now watered down the scheme by exempting all online retailers apart from major supermarkets from the online takeback requirement (which was always unworkable anyway). But it is still widely felt that confidence in the scheme is at rock bottom.


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